Monday, August 31, 2009

CMA Music Festival is on.

It's been a while. This summer was amazing. Tomorrow is the first day of September. Some things that are gonna happen in September:

1) Pumpkin Spice is back at Starbucks. First thing I'll do tomorrow is get a well-missed PS latte.

2) Paint my room. Either a pale purple or mossy green.

3) Make a trip to socal to visit my girls and catch a UCI women's vball and/or men's soccer game.

4) Finish up PT applications by end of the month. Oh man can't wait to be free.

5) Take GRE's on the 12th. So sick of quantitative comparisons and vocab.

6) Hopefully get a job. Keep getting calls for interviews but can't work cause of school -_-

7) Get straight A's at Chabot.

8) Run the Union City 10k on the 13th

9) Hike Mission and visit Napa for wine tasting with the girls