Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Who wants to write when you can use pictures?! July is obviously the best month of the year for many reasons. Actually there's one important one. My birthday. Sorry there's so many. Deal with it.

Come see us.

We love naked fish and naked fish loves us. Always.Some of fave girls came over with a bomb ass cake&presents the night before. I must also mention that we play scattergories like no other group has ever played.
And now for this piece of work. There are no words. (but doesn't he remind you somewhat of a duck? haha i love him all the same.)
Mr. smiths with again, some of fave girls. basically we went in, got drinks. drank them. ate some pretzels. and left.
then went to Temple in sf
going... going...
gone. The next night, went out to the Vault in sj with some of my soccer girls. Hadn't seem them in close to 2 years.
Left wing her, right wing me. "CROSS IT!"

ebar with cheri, brooklynn, and peace. They love nif and i love them haha

Okay time to show you the people i worked with 4-5 days a week for the past month at the physical therapy clinic I interned at in sf.

This is Irene, my fave front desk person.
My auntie Mei and Pansy
Chun, one of the PTs
Dorothy, the PT that owns the place, she's 61 but she acts like she's 30.
Cindy, the one i shadowed, who is really nice and doesnt speak any chinese so i translated for her. Which was NOT easy haha

Lunch with my grandma
this is when my grandma decided that we should all go to church with her
So...this sunday, I get up and decide to take a run outside cause well I hadn't worked out in a while...so I start running on dyer...about to turn onto whipple, near the railroad tracks...next thing i know, my hands are out in front of me, and my knee hits the ground and im sure I rolled. no tumbled. So im sitting there and this is what I see more or less, except less bloody cause the cut was still fresh. Anyways I wanted to keep running but I couldn't cause the blood was trickling haha. After i took a shower, it didnt look bad at all. The bruises are from falling elsewhere. We won't mention where. But i didnt really care about my knee cause there was dirt stuck under the skin of my palms! Hella gross and they got all swollen and probably infected cause I could't get it out. But they're better now.

Okay thats more than enough. I still need to shower and pack. We're leaving at 5am tomorrow. Crap. But im excited! Hopefully irvine's warmer. I get to work sports med first aid for my fave sport tomorrow. Yes. Baseball. Haha not. At least i get paid! Ok bye.

R.I.P. Grandpa, I love and miss you very much. I'll visit and bring you flowers soon, I promise.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Thank You

You have no idea how much you mean to me. You did so much for my sisters and I when we were growing up. From changing our diapers, to cooking for us, picking us up from school, taking us out to eat, and buying us everything you thought we’d like, you did everything that a grandpa should have done and so much more. I never showed enough of my appreciation before, so I hope it's not too late now.
You never got the chance to teach me inside a classroom, but the things I’ve learned from you, I’ll carry them with me forever. You taught me the importance of family and the power of love, faith, and selflessness. You make me believe that with hard work, anything is possible. Because of you, I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe in.
Even though you’ve gone to a better place now; you’ll always be in my heart. No one could ever replace you and the memories that I have of you will never be forgotten. Whether you’re waiting outside to pick me up from preschool or looking out for me from heaven, I know you’ll always be there when I need you.
I miss you. I love you. But most of all, I wanted to thank you. On the day of my kindergarten graduation, you said to me, “ One day, I’ll be watching you graduate from college.” Nothing’s changed. I know you’ll be there.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Out With the Old, In With the New.

Goodbye Xanga...helllllooo Blogger.